Rooms as a Service (RaaS)

Empower a Collaborative Workplace through Cutting Edge Conference Room Equipment

As the era of Digital Transformation enables the Modern Workplace, businesses are recognizing the urgent need for sophisticated conference room equipment setups that facilitate collaboration for groups and teams. These solutions need to be seamlessly integrated to support multi-dimensional collaboration in real-time.

Yorktel’s Rooms as a Service (RaaS), a Technology as a Service solution, facilitates the Modern Workplace by modernizing traditional meeting spaces with advanced conference room technology. RaaS offers one-touch collaboration meeting rooms that feature immersive audio and video solutions, workflow integration, and all the IT Lifecycle Services critical to keeping everyone seamlessly connected!

Download our Complimentary White Paper

Yorktel’s free white paper, Finding Agility: The Next Generation Workplace, discusses the keys to developing a healthier and more profitable business model.

Where to start? Make the commitment to embrace a Next-Gen Workplace strategy by exploring new policies, procedures, and cultural attitudes that reflect today’s workforce.

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Key Benefits of Rooms as a Service

Maximize Your Conference Room Technology Investment

By using OpEx rather than CapEx funds, the RaaS subscription-based model empowers you to leverage the cutting edge conference room equipment you need in a financial model you can afford. The resulting arrangement allows you to divert funds to other corporate initiatives. Plus, the “as a Service” model shortens the technology refresh cycle, so your hardware and software are always up-to-date with conference room technology trends.

Comprehensive Solution from a Single Source

Yorktel Rooms as a Service is gaining traction as a “must have” collaboration meeting room solution. It includes a powerful blend of a video-enabling software platform, best-in-class hardware, and all-encompassing IT Lifecycle Services. This skillfully assembled consolidation provides a multifaceted collaboration experience – all from a single source, so you don’t have to engage with multiple vendors if the need arises. Yorktel installs, tests, and manages your conference room technology from start to finish.


Interested in how Rooms as a Service can provide you and your teams with the ultimate collaboration space, available in a subscription-based financial model that frees up CapEx dollars?

Talk to a Yorktel RaaS expert to learn more.

Additional Offerings

Check out our Yorktel White Papers for in-depth explorations of today’s technologies.
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