Work from Home Consulting Bundles

Collaboration Services for the Global Enterprise Remote Workforce

Looking for guidance on best practices for working from home?

Check out Yorktel’s Top 5 Strategies for Working from Home

Due to today’s challenging circumstances, our customers have been tasked with supporting a dramatic shift in their workforce – from on-site, face-to-face meetings to Work from Home (WFH) remote collaboration. In many cases, remote work readiness is not where it needs to be to support this massive transition.

Whether you’re a newcomer to telework or already have a work from home policy in place, set the stage for a successful telecommuting program with Yorktel’s WFH Readiness Consulting Bundles.

Contact to enable your remote workforce – today!

Choose from three options of WFH Consulting Bundles.

Adoption Express

Virtual Training for End-User Success

Service Description:

A comprehensive training program plays a critical role in any WFH rollout. Our virtual training classroom services ensure high user adoption & proficiency.

Save time, increase productivity, and ensure your remote work plan succeeds by giving your workforce the education they need to get up and running as quickly as possible.

Scope Overview

  • 6 One-Hour Virtual Training
  • Discovery
  • Course Development
  • Project Plan
  • Training Delivery
  • Status Reports: Attendance
  • Feedback Forms

Network Assessment Express

Analysis & Forecasting for End-User Experience

Service Description:

Five days of virtual testing can reveal amazing opportunities to potentially enhance your network health, which in turn provides much-needed support for your remote work tools.

By placing probes in key locations, we perform packet inspection and test packet behavior, measuring and analyzing the results for insights on how to improve your end-user experience.

Scope Overview

  • 5-day Remote Analysis & Consultation
  • UC&C Jitter, Latency, RTT, & Loss Trends
  • MOS Scoring
  • Call Detail & Capacity Analysis
  • Bandwidth Analysis & Forecast
  • Basic QoS Analysis
  • Reports & Recommendations

Collaboration Strategy Express

Execution Strategy for End-User Requirements

Service Description:

Yorktel will analyze your existing UC&C infrastructure to identify problem areas and opportunities to realign your user needs with your network ecosystem.

We then develop a high-level Execution Strategy to support that alignment. Factors to consider will include IT objectives, impact to the production collaboration environment, change control processes and end-user impact.

Scope Overview

  • Enterprise Collaboration Architecture Review
  • Enterprise Collaboration Recommendations
  • Enterprise Collaboration Execution Strategy

Looking to live stream your next town hall or webinar?

Learn more about Yorktel’s Virtual Live Events to reach your remote audience, securely.