Gateway Service for Microsoft Teams

A Unified Communication Gateway to Eliminate Collaboration Barriers

Many organizations are unified in their Enterprise Collaboration goals but are internally disjointed, working from disparate platforms and/or communications technology.

This mixed enterprise collaboration environment often includes endpoints from multiple vendors, inhibiting a streamlined and productive unified communications experience.

Yorktel’s Gateway Service is a unified communications gateway and is part of our Enterprise Cloud Service offerings. Our Microsoft Teams Gateway Service allows your users to access different technologies and platforms using their preferred enterprise collaboration tool, eliminating the challenges commonly associated with multiple user groups and disparate vendor solutions.

To provide seamless access to your Microsoft Teams collaborations technology, Yorktel offers two on-premise data gateway options: Teams Gateway and InterOp Gateway. This choice of gateway bridging services ensures that our enterprise customers can access all the Microsoft Teams features and functionality needed to keep cloud collaboration running smoothly.

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Learn what a gateway is and why it is so important, how to evaluate which gateway provider will be right for you and the vital part this will play in your Digital Transformation Strategy.

Here is all you need to know about Teams Gateway Service in our complimentary white paper.

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Key Benefits of Using a Unified Communications Gateway Service from Yorktel

Two Gateway Options for Seamless Collaboration

Yorktel’s Gateway Service is available in two options, to give our customers a choice in how to achieve seamless connectivity between different audio visual endpoints.

Teams Gateway Service is for our customers who are already using Microsoft Teams in their network environment. Our Teams Gateway preserves all of the capabilities and functionality of MS Teams so users can enjoy comprehensive cloud collaboration across devices and endpoints.

InterOp Gateway (includes SfB-O) provides cloud video interoperability for our customers who use Skype for Business online or have a hybrid Microsoft Teams and SfB-O environment. InterOp Gateway provides cloud video interoperability between these diverse endpoints, eliminating the barriers to enterprise collaboration throughout your network.

Frees Collaboration from Siloed Technology Buckets

Our Gateway eliminates the previously siloed technology buckets what would often sit within an organization or department, where investments are made on a local level. Breaking out of these silos has the positive inter and intra-company effect of creating a more cohesive technology ecosystem and work culture.

Eliminates Multiple Rollouts of Redundant Solutions

Because Yorktel’s Gateway Service allows for different protocols to “talk” to each other, companies no longer need to roll out several instances of multiple enterprise cloud solutions to connect their user base. Our Gateway also eliminates the need for additional licenses for users leveraging more than one collaboration product or solution.

Any-to-Any Connectivity Streamlines Workflows

Our Gateway Service enables any-to-any connectivity so your users can choose the collaboration technology or solution of their preference. This flexibility streamlines workflows because users aren’t forced to adjust to a colleague’s choice of collaboration product or tool or how to adapt, depending on who is on the other end of the line (or screen).

Interested in how a Gateway Service can unite your enterprise collaboration technologies and streamline your workflows?

Talk to a Yorktel Unified Communications expert to learn more.

Additional Offerings

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