As the workplace evolves, so do the challenges of operating in new ways. The rapid rise of remote and hybrid work environments means that employees are connecting to workplaces and each other from across the country, if not the world.

Technology has empowered the rise of modern work services. Also known as digital workplace services, these technologies allow for more efficient and engaging remote collaboration.

The tools available are essential for enabling remote team collaboration in the digital workplace. Whether it’s video services, project management tools, or cloud services, these tools are critical for success in a remote or hybrid space.

Despite the powerful connectivity available today to enable remote work, many companies still face challenges. Understanding and addressing these common problems helps inform which digital workplace services your business may need to thrive.

Collaboration Challenges in Remote Work Environments

Businesses operating with remote or hybrid work configurations are at a distinct advantage. Workers crave such arrangements and look for companies that offer these work styles.

However, challenges remain for workers and IT staff when in remote work modes. 

Here are some of the most common:

  • Connectivity Challenges – Despite having great tools, workers may face connectivity issues, either due to faulty connections or inadequate performance of the tools.
  • Data Security – Remote work means many connections accessing and using data. Ensuring this data remains secure is vital.
  • Employee Engagement – Keeping remote staff connected and engaged in their work and each other is a common challenge when working remotely.
  • Tool Selection – Technology needs to work for the staff and choosing the right tools is paramount to ensure success in new operating realities.
  • Channel Confusion – Remote work often means using multiple tools for communicating across channels. Video conferencing, email, text, and collaboration tools all contain information and communication. Often, communication can get lost in varying modes.

Synchronizing Work – When working in shared files, work can get confused if staff use multiple versions or documents that need to be checked out and refiled, resulting in frustration and inefficiency.

Modern Work Services for Remote Collaboration Challenges

Digital workplace services can address the common challenges that arise due to remote work. Effective managed IT services solutions do exist for these challenges, working with a skilled partner to devise modern work services that create efficient, effective workplace technology stacks.

Let’s explore the modern work services designed to tackle these common issues effectively:

  • Network Stability – Digital workplace services deploy reliable networks that ensure connections are stable and clear, allowing users to talk, share, and work with solid, strong access.
  • Cybersecurity Solutions – Remote workplaces need rigorous cybersecurity, ensuring that users, devices, networks, systems, and data are constantly protected. Monitoring, anti-virus, anti-spam, and educational programs all help prevent unwanted activity from harming your business.
  • Reliable, Functional Tools – You want your employees to feel valued and a part of a team. Strong video, collaboration, cross-channel, and cloud solutions ensure that each employee feels connected and is a valued contributor.
  • Unified Communications – To avoid the cross-channel confusion that arises, unified communications solutions allow users to communicate in one space, keeping track of conversations, information, links, and data.

Cloud Solutions – Your company has vast amounts of data, applications, and operating systems that all your employees need to access. With cloud deployments and the right applications, you can provide tools that allow for collaboration and shared work in files without running into version or duplication issues.

Enhancing Communication and Virtual Collaboration

There are excellent tools available for businesses to choose from, based on the needs, goals, and budgets available. These tools, many bundled and integrated across multiple applications, improve communication and foster collaboration among remote teams.

Here is a look at several of the most successful platforms and their impact on remote team dynamics:

  • Microsoft is one of the most popular remote-work platforms with good reason. Its Microsoft 365 and Office tools, including Word, Excel, Teams, Outlook, and PowerPoint, are among the most common in offices worldwide. In addition, its Surface Hub combines Teams functionality with smart cameras and digital whiteboards that allow workers to communicate, collaborate, and connect.
  • Zoom has become one of the most widely used communications tools. Zoom offers enterprise collaboration with scalable conferencing, business phone, meeting, and webinar services. The intuitive, cost-effective platform allows for virtual meetings, and events and is ideal for collaborating with colleagues, clients, and customers.
  • Cisco offers a range of enterprise collaboration platforms and tools, including cloud-based business calling, contact centers, meetings, and team collaboration messaging and calling. 

Remote Collaboration Simplified for the Modern Workplace

There are many potential challenges to remote work today. Connectivity, security, and functionality lapses can derail operations and affect employee engagement.

Fortunately, there are powerful solutions available that provide security, reliability, and access at scale.

Yorktel is a leader in helping companies identify, design, and deploy digital workplace services. With Yorktel as your technology partner, you’ll quickly be able to build a technology solution that eliminates remote work challenges and accelerates your success.

Learn more about Yorktel solutions by contacting us today.

Let’s Reimagine Collaboration, together.

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