
Executing the Next Generation Workplace management strategy is a proven stimulant to employee engagement. Enterprises worldwide are adapting to a millennial-driven workforce by creating a flexible corporate culture, collaborative technology ecosystem and agile work environment to attract, retain and engage top talent.

In a recent issue of HR.com, I referenced Achievers’ 2015 nationwide workforce survey, which revealed some very telling statistics about job satisfaction: a whopping 51% of respondents revealed not being happy at work and nearly as many (50.4%) said they expected not to be with their organization a year from now.

While there may be multiple symptoms behind these low employee engagement levels, one common culprit is a failure of companies to recognize that the way people work is evolving. In fact, even the term “work,” which was once defined as “a place of employment,” is now being redefined as an activity. And, rightly so, since now more than ever before this activity is taking place outside the traditional office space — and even outside “normal business hours.”

Embrace the Workplace of the Future now

Leading technology manufacturers and research groups that study this trend have come up with several catchy phrases such as “workplace of the future,” the “digital workplace,” and even the “next generation workplace” (NGW) to capture the essence of this business transformation. Citrix sponsored a “Workplace of the Future” global survey, which revealed that today’s workers use an average of six devices to do their work while at the same time spending only two-thirds of their workweek at a desk.

In another study conducted by independent research firm Vanson Bourne, the research showed that workplace sizes are shrinking. Simultaneously, there is a trend toward workshifting, where people shift work to more convenient times and locations. Mobile computing and BYOD (bring your own device) initiatives are another strong component linked with this trend.

Not surprisingly, research shows that organizations that embrace these NGW trends are seeing significant operational and strategic advantages over those still clinging to traditional business practices. Keep reading >>>


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