Workplace performance standards are very different today from what they were ten, even five years ago. It is increasingly accepted that an employee’s performance now depends on real-time collaboration, connecting everyone from wherever they are through whatever device they choose. Enterprises that successfully employ the Next Generation Workplace management strategy have embraced this reality by incorporating the consumerisation of technology into their ecosystem to create a highly collaborative, agile user experience.

In the 2016 Growing Business Handbook endorsed by the Institute of Directors (IoD), I published an article that provides an extensive, deep dive into the concept of “work” as it continues to evolve, ultimately requiring a shift within the work environment and technologies used to optimise collaboration, agility, and productivity. Today’s workers use multiple devices for work, while at the same time spending only two-thirds of their workweek at a desk. Simultaneously, there is a trend toward workshifting, where people shift work to more convenient times and locations.

What does this all mean for your organisation? It means that now, more than ever, is the time for business transformation based on the Next Generation Workplace. This is why the Growing Business Handbook has once again brought together top minds from across the globe in various industries to contribute their thoughts, insights and guidance.


The IoD (Institute of Directors) is a prestigious, highly influential UK-based Chartered Institute. Founded in 1903, it is the UK’s longest running organisation for professional leaders, receiving a Royal Charter in 1906, acknowledging the work they do to promote professionalism in business.

The IoD represents the views of directors from all sizes of companies from SMEs to Blue Chips, to Government ministers; almost every Director General of the IoD has received a Knighthood from The British monarch for services to business. Now on its 17th annually published edition, The Growing Business Handbook is endorsed by The IoD as it is recognised as being of specific interest to its members for creating business success.

Yorktel’s inclusion reflects the proliferation of Next Generation Workplace concepts and practices by enterprises worldwide. Many practitioners find success in a new found ability to recruit and retain talent by incorporating BYOD policies and flexible work schedules. In addition, designing modern, flexible, and economical workspaces inspire employees while providing the added benefit of reducing property related overhead costs.

Most importantly, is how the Next Generation Workplace affects substantive change in culture which permeates all levels of an organisation, measured by increased productivity, agility, efficiency, and collaboration.

To learn more about addressing and examining your organisation’s Next Generation Workplace strategy and to read the full text of this chapter, click here.  If you would like to order a copy of The Growing Business Handbook, for a limited time, we are able to offer a 20% discount when you use the code GBH2016, so make sure you are forwarding and encouraging your colleagues, partners and customers to take a look and purchase for themselves.


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