Microsoft Solutions:
Enabling & Empowering the Modern Worker

Productivity and Collaboration – When, Where and How they are Needed

Microsoft Solutions Tailored to the Modern Worker

As the world becomes increasingly digital and enterprises transition their spaces to Modern Workplaces, the Modern Worker has more requirements and expectations than ever before. Work needs to be remote-friendly, free from fixed schedules and rooted in real-time communication and group collaboration that suits their digital lifestyles.

Microsoft Solutions are transforming workplaces to serve the Modern Worker in ways that were previously unimagined, and this emphasis on worker performance and productivity translates to business success and better returns.

The Modern Worker requires an evolving ecosystem with digital collaboration tools that improve their workflows and production capabilities, as well as Unified Communications that are wherever they are. Microsoft Solutions keep your employees motivated, satisfied, and productive in a Modern Workplace that thrives.

Microsoft Partnership Expertise

As a Premier Microsoft Solutions Partner, our Managed Services experts have the technical resources to plan, deliver, and fully manage Microsoft solutions and services, quickly getting every one of your employees up and running. Our keen understanding of the Microsoft Modern Worker helps us to guide organizations in making intelligent decisions about how to use their Microsoft ecosystem for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. We also hold partnerships with other Microsoft Certified Partners, providing an additional layer of industry expertise to our clients.


  • Gold Windows and Devices
  • Gold Cloud Platform
  • Gold Cloud Productivity
  • Gold Application Development
  • Gold Application Integration
  • Gold Communications
  • Gold Collaboration & Content
  • Gold Data Platform
  • Gold Project & Portfolio Management
  • Silver Datacenter
  • Silver Messaging
  • Silver Data Analytics

Discover how Yorktel helped transform City of Hope

with Surface Hub, Microsoft 365 & Teams

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Ready to Enable Your Modern Workers?

Microsoft Surface Hub 2S is designed specifically to enhance group collaboration within the Microsoft Modern Workplace. Enabling flexible teamwork, Surface Hub 2S provides the features and functionality to support and evolve with the diverse demands of today’s technology-driven workforce.

Offering the perfect combination of software, lightweight hardware, AI, and the cloud to facilitate global teamwork, Microsoft Surface Hub 2S pushes people and the flow of information to their maximum innovation and creative potential.

Yorktel’s Microsoft Network Readiness Assessment

Maximize Your Network’s Potential Future State

Yorktel’s Microsoft Network Readiness Assessment starts with a detailed analysis of your existing network’s capabilities. Then, we develop a roadmap to readiness as you prepare to adopt or upgrade Microsoft collaboration solutions.

As part of our Microsoft collaboration services, we offer several tiers of Readiness Assessments – Express, Enterprise, and Advanced – so you can select the level of detail and speed that best meets your organizational needs. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, we are well-versed in all Microsoft solutions, and have the deep expertise to provide a seamless adoption experience and maximize your network potential.

Microsoft Teams Voice

Simplify and Unify Voice for Everyone

Modern workers need modern voice solutions across their devices, that work effectively in any location. Aligning your voice infrastructure with the Microsoft Teams ecosystem that your employees know empowers them while transporting your telecommunications into the future.

With options across a direct routing and calling plans, bring Voice into your Microsoft ecosystem. Eliminate capital expenditures for voice, enjoy improved interoperability and relieve your workplace of unwieldy legacy phone systems for good.

Microsoft Windows 10

Gain Visibility into Your Business with Balance, Control, and Flexibility

As one of the most powerful Microsoft solutions, the Windows 10 platform plays a key role in empowering end-user computing — an essential facet of digital workplace transformation. By bringing IT capabilities to your end-users’ fingertips, Windows 10 increases productivity and drives innovation for businesses around the globe.

Windows 10 offers intelligent security, simple deployment, flexible management, and enhanced collaboration features that will boost workplace productivity and help your business thrive.